Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fitness Ridge

Ok I'm not sure I'll be able to handle all the blessings. SERIOUSLY!!
Here's the last few hours. My loves dropped me off at the airport! <3 kisses and well wishes <3

My flight left on time. I did not pay to select a seat. Someone asked me to switch with him so he could sit with his group, I switched to an isle seat in row 9 (from 24). Beside two very tiny girls so I had tons of room!!!
The battery in my laptop lasted till the very end of Julie and Julia <3
Then I wrote in my journal that Margie gave me, with tons of fabulously appropriate scripture!!!!
Then I landed and got a text from her with a sweet prayer.
And an update that my boys still made it to church (jack was up all night coughing).
My flight landed EARLY and I caught the early shuttle, vs. spending an hour and a half at the airport!!! With only TWO other people in tow!!!
Then I just checked my email and went to post this horrible picture and turns out my camera IS WORKING!!!!
Yay God!!!!
That being said, I wanted to share my official weight this morning just incase I have a great week ;)
Well, I'm HAVING a great week, but you know what I mean. <3
Lots o love

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